An Open Letter To President Biden… On behalf of #MillionsMissing with MECFS, Long CPVID and Complex Chronic Illness…

Dear President Biden,
My name is Samantha Lincroft. I am living with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis and complex chronic illness, and I am asking you to intervene in the national emergency created by infection-associated chronic disease.
When I was 19 years old I woke up sick. I thought I had the flu, I went to class anyways. I never got better. I was told I was depressed. I was told the paralysis episodes I suffered after exertion was anxiety. I was told the opposite of #StopRestPace. So I pushed.
When I pushed myself to climb the stairs to the Washington National Memorial Carillon, when I pushed myself to attend 5 classes a semester so I could become the woman in STEM our country needs, when I pushed myself to act like the Wellesley College honor student society expected me to be, no one told me I was permanently damaging my body by medically neglecting a severe neuroimmunological disease.
If someone had told me the truth about MECFS, if someone had warned me of the importance of pacing, if research into ME had not been neglected for over 40 years, maybe I could have been saved. Maybe I could still have the I was destined for. Instead, I was misdiagnosed, gaslighted, told to do everything I should not, only to learn that I had forced the progression of an incurable disease with no FDA-approved treatment.
Now that bright, talented, young woman is gone. Stolen away in the living of death of severe ME. Trapped in a dark soundproof room, saline running directly into my heart, suffering pain I could never have imagined. Daily severe migraine, burning neuropathic pain, muscle spasm, period paralysis, nausea, exhaustion, joint pain, hives and so much more. I would not wish this hell upon my worst enemy.
Our government is moving too slowly. More than 7 million people in the United States have MECFS; the vast majority of these people have ling COVID. The disease is debilitating and life-altering. Please visit to hear our demand so people with Long COVID, ME/CFS and other complex, chronic conditions can have the life they deserve.
One of Millions,
Samantha Lincroft
Millions of Americans are still sick, still fighting. Long COVID, MECFS & associated diseases constitute a national emergency. Our government has failed to act with urgency and the resources needed to truly combat this devastating problem. We need ME Action. We need research for post viral illness and post-infection illness @Potus we need you to intervene now. @meactnet