ME Awareness Templates 2024

ME Awareness Month is fast approaching and for people with MECFS or long COVID, it can feel overwhelming. This post its resource linked at is designed to help.
There are a number of campaigns being run this May for ME Awareness
Millions Missing2024 is themed around Teach ME Treat ME focusing on educating medical practitioners on how to help people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis this is being run by ME Action @meactnet on May 12th.
Also, on the 12th Global Voice For ME is this year's campaign by the World ME Alliance and is focused on patients and our allies serving as a global voice for ME patients worldwide for Global ME Day.
Finally, @goblueformecfs is in their second year and has produced more quote infographics and resources to help us go Blue For MECFS on May 12th.
Additionally the Sunday after ME AwarenessDay May 19th is Blue Sunday by a yearly charity event where we invite our friends and families to join us in wearing blue, having tea and/or pastry and donating what we would pay to the ME Advocacy org of our choice.
With so many events remember that the goal of all of these is the same: to increase ME Awareness and advocate for people with ME / CFS.
I have compiled a Google Drive including a document which links to all of the above event's resources, resources from past years, and original templates and posts you can use on the day. This includes a customizable Millions Missing poster and infographics about ME.
If you have additional materials aimed at ME Awareness Month you would like to make available for reshare, please DM me or email to have them added to the document.
In addition to using templates, try to tell your story in a way that will resonate with people, especially your loved ones. Include details about what goals and accomplishments you had to give up due to this illness and try to paint a picture of the parts of the illness that people do not see like the crashes and consequences of your public appearances or posts. Remember to include patients with severe ME who may not have the energy to post.